"I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." John 15:5
The team also had the chance to experience two of the ministries that the ECA students support: Barrio Egypto and Hogares Luz y Vida (special needs orphanage). Hearing the stories of how they were able to experience one of the ministries that the Lord has given me a passion for was really amazing. God is so good!!
Here is a link to the team blog if you would like to read about their stories and how God worked through them and in them while serving at ECA - http://colombiateam2013.blogspot.com/
Introducing Miss Rachel - I had the privilege of having my friend, Rachel, spend a day with my 3rd Grade class. She taught them a Bible lesson on the Israelite's trust in God as they marched around Jericho and made the walls come tumbling down. I love this story - it shows God's fun side and that he accomplishes His plan in the most unique ways. My 3rd Graders were so excited to have her in our class. Pray for Rachel - as she is praying about coming and teaching at El Camino in the future!
I had the privilege of having the three women from the team (Rachel, Shealyn, and Ronnie) over to my apartment for dinner on Thursday. God gave them them the opportunity to not only have dinner with a few teachers from ECA, but also with some Colombian women who had traveled in from Cordoba (near the coast) for a teaching conference called OBED. We all had fun getting to eat veggie pitas and getting to talk with our Colombian sister's in Christ.
One of our favorite places to eat dessert in Colombia is at Crepes and Waffles, a restaurant that only hires and supports single moms. The women and I met the rest the of the team for dessert after our dinner together at my apartment.
Monsserate: Even though it was cloudy and rainy, we traveled up Monsserate, which is the highest point in Bogota at 10, 642 feet. Praise the Lord - the clouds started to clear and you could see part of the city below. The sun started to shine through the clouds, which created these beautiful rays against the backdrop of Bogota. Here are some picture with me and some of the team members at the top How beautiful is God's creation!!!
Blessings: Far apart, but united by God's love.
"For though I am absent from you in body, I am present with you in spirit and delight to see how orderly you are and how firm your faith in Christ is. So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness." Colossians 2:5-7
Words cannot express how thankful I am for not only the financial and prayer support from the Orchard Evangelical Free Church, but also for 10 people taking time to come here and experience life in Colombia first hand. The verses above in Colossians really sum up how I feel about all of you back home - and especially those who I got to see in person this week. Before this week, I only knew three of you. I now have 10 new friends for life! Now that the team has gone back home and we are again absent from each other in body, we are always united in spirit because we are united in Christ. Thank for investing in the ministry here at El Camino - especially in me - and also for being willing to be used by the Lord. Having my home church come and join me in ministry was the most amazing gift from God that brought encouragement, love, and a feeling of community with my church back in Chicago.
For the sake of the gospel,
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