Precious Kid Quote - While talking about the friendship between Wilbur and Charlotte in the book Charlotte's Web, the topic of what makes a good friend came up. At the end of the story, Charlotte dies and Wilbur is able to take care of her babies for her - showing that their ties of friendship are strong. Response from one of my students:
"God is my best friend! (points to heaven) And, I'm glad he lives in here." (points to his heart)
Buddy, I am so glad that God is your best friend. I hope he remains your best friend for the rest of your life :-)
Idols - In Bible class, we are studying about the Israelites and how God made a special covenant with them. As Moses was up the mountain getting the Ten Commandments from God, the Israelites were busy making statutes out of gold and worshiping them. They chose to worship a golden calf (even when the Lord had just delivered them out of Egypt, saved them from Pharoah's army, and provided food and water while they wandered the desert.) I pointed out that it is really easy for us to judge the Israelites. How could they worship a golden statue instead of God?
Suddenly, I felt the Holy Spirit's leading to take the lesson in a different direction. We talked about examples of idols in our lives - and how easy they can take the place of God. Sports, activities we love, people (friends and family), and games (a shock to some of my students) can become idols in our lives. I shared an example of how certain people in my life had become idols to me. While loving these people was good, I loved them so much that I began to realize that they were taking the place where only God should be. It made it harder to give these people up when God was calling me to do something for him. After discussing a little more, I let them pray by themselves and asked God to reveal to them any idols in their lives. I ended the class by praying altogether that God would be the most important part of each of our lives - and that all of those other things would take their rightful place behind Him.
One of my new students came up to me afterward and said, " Miss Bergmann? I think I know an idol in my life. Horses. I'm praying that Jesus would help me love them just a little less - because I REALLY LOVE them!"
When you just can't take it anymore! - Four of the boys from my class were struggling with being friends. One student can be difficult to be around and his feelings were getting hurt when the other boys would ignore him. After sitting them down, I prayed that God would help me shepherd their hearts so that all involved would see how much they need Jesus' love and how his love would help them be more loving to others. They all admitted to both being mean and being treated meanly by their friends. It was amazing to watch as God moved in their hearts. One student started and said he wanted to apologize for kicking his friend. Then, they began to gently talk to one another about why they had been excluding their one friend. With the help of the Holy Spirit moving, all of the boys were able to see that the one student just wanted a friend and wasn't really trying to annoy them. Also, the student heard from his friends how he could better let them know that he wanted to play with them.
As I talked to them about how hard it can be to have patience with others, a student of mine put it so well. "Miss Bergmann, sometimes it's so hard to be kind and patient! I come to school and my brother has already been bugging me at home all morning and I just can't take it anymore!!!"
Well, I just had to smile :-) I told him that he was absolutely right. We can't do it - at least not on our own, anyways. So thankful that we can ask Jesus for help, and that's exactly what we did.
"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength" Philippians 4:13
Paula - an 8th grader at ECA - just got diagnosed with leukemia. She will be out of school for a few months as she starts her treatment. Please pray for her family and the students/staff at ECA as we process this news. May Christ be glorified in how we come together and encourage/support Paula and her family.
A team from the Orchard arrives in three days!!!! I am super excited to get to partner in ministry with my home church. This next week is going to be crazy, busy, and a lot of fun getting to introduce them to ECA. Pray for safe travels and a wonderful time getting to serve God together as a church family.
That my identity would not be found in my ability to teach, how well a lesson goes, or how well I am shepherding my student's hearts. My desire is that my identity would be found only in Christ and that I would be even more dependent on Him in spreading the Gospel here in Bogota.
My attitude - pray for more patience and love toward my students. I feel like I have been more irritable lately, even though they are still the same bunch of crazy 3rd Graders. Thankful that the Lord gives me grace and helps me love each and every one of them :-)
All for His glory,
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