This is Colombia!! - We "Americano's" use a phrase when we learn something new about Colombia or for something that really uniquely describes Colombian culture. For example - having to plan twice (or triple, even) the amount of times to do things - This is Colombia (TIC)!!! One person being done eating when someone else at the table hasn't even gotten served - This Is Colombia (TIC)!!!! I experienced playing hide and seek with one of my students and a few other kids from ECA this past Friday at our monthly Teacher Chill-Out. I was quickly claimed to be "IT" after I caved to their puppy dogs eyes that were begging me to join them. Sadly, I didn't tag anyone, however I had spotted all of them trying to hide from me as they made their way back to the base. Little did I know, but I could have run back to base and called their names WITHOUT having to tag them - typical hide and seek rules here in Colombia. Duh, Miss Bergmann!!!! TIC :-)
Also, watch out for moving buses!! A group of us were heading home that evening and had to catch a bus. In Colombia, one person goes to the front entrance to pay for everyone and the rest can hop on the back. Since it was raining, I was still closing my umbrella so I could enter the bus as it started to pull away. I quickly had to hop on (which was scary) causing my computer to get stuck in the door! This is not my first experience with a scary bus - even entering from the front can be difficult as they start moving when you are still on the steps waiting to pay. TIC :-)
Taste of Fall: The Lord has been gracious to me in allowing me to experience my favorite season that doesn't really happen here in Colombia. This past Friday at Teacher Chill Out, Roberto and Cherie Green served us cooked pumpkin!!!!! What a treat for me as I absolutely love anything with pumpkin in it. Another surprise is that my apartment complex put up fall deocrations all around the Puerta (or Guard Entrance). How fun it is to see all of the pumpkins and scarecrows around! It's not exactly like home, but I am very grateful to get even a little taste of Fall here in Colombia :-0
"I will tell of the LORD’s unfailing love. I will praise the LORD for all he
has done. I will rejoice in his great goodness to Israel, which he has granted
according to his mercy and love." Isaiah 63:7
The Lord is faithful to provide even the smallest of things for his children - and they are worthy to be praised!! So, I am praising the Lord and rejoicing today for pumpkin :-)
Hogar de Paz y Vida -
This past Saturday, October 6th, I had the joy of returning to the Special Needs Orphanage! I am starting to recognize some children and are learning their names. I spent some time with Sarita (a baby) as she was full of smiles while playing with a caterpillar. Then, Paula and Lily came and sat in my lap. They were able to say a few things to me, so I started singing to them in Spanish. They kept looking at me as I sang them "Jesus Love Me" and "Yo Tengo Un Amigo Que Me Ama" (I have a Friend who Loves Me). I asked them (in Spanish - of course!) if they knew that Jesus loved them. The smiled really big and nodded their heads, YES!!! I kept singing, and encouraged them to sing with me. They just smiled, but it was so sweet because they kept asking me to sing again :-) Lastly, I spent some time with the more severely handicapped adults. This young woman, Claudia, started smiling as I came near to her as she was being fed. I said hello to her and she responded so energetically that the person who was feeding Claudia let me feed her :-) Oh, how such small things can make a difference!
How blessed I was by taking time to serve these precious lives for the Lord today. It reminded me of verses in my favorite book:
"Above all, love one another deeply because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each one should use whatever gifts he has received to serve others, faithfully adminstering God's grace in it's various forms. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides so that in all things GOD may be praised through Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory and the power, forever and ever!" 1 Peter 4:8-11
I think, sometimes, we forget that really small acts of service and kindness are really God's grace being administered in such a variety of ways. No gift we have to offer that comes from Jesus is ever too insignificant to truly impact another's life.
"For even I, the Son of Man, came here not to be served but to serve others,
and to give my life as a ransom for many." Matthew 20:28.
Get out. I read in a blog by Haitian missionaries that always post TIH. This is Haiti. I hear you on the food thing...happens here all the time. Good to read your post, friend.
ReplyDeleteReally??? That is too funny!!!! I'm going to be using this phrase all the time now. I love reading your blog as well, my friend! Hugs to you, Beth and Steve!!!