Fun/Random Stories:
The Lord is continuing to teach me how to be flexible - no access to a copier/printer or the help of my aide last Friday and Monday! In amongst the chaos and wondering how I am going to get through the day (without copies of worksheets or the daily routine of how my aide helps me), Jesus is teaching me to let go of control and that HE ALONE is truly dependable and trustworthy.
Brittney and I made our first fire in our fireplace at our apartment and enjoyed a really nice evening bonding/praying as roommates last Friday night :-) Nothing like friends, hot chocolate and a fire! What a blessing in ministry to have wonderful, godly people to encourage you (just like many of my supporters back home are doing as well - thank you to those who I've gotten to talk to and pray with since I've been here!!) We also celebrated Mandy's birthday and had a fun time taking her out to a Mexican resturaunt last Sunday. Praise the Lord for a great living situation for me here in Bogota!
I got to dress up as a fireman and spray my students with water this past Friday!!! It was super fun to have a visit from the Colombian Fire Department - but not so fun when they made me wear the heavy gear and race another teacher to the fence and back!!! This is not something that students in Colombia get to see very often, so it was a great experience for them.
Diggin Roots - Serving with my students and finding a church home here in Colombia
Hogar de Paz - Despite the fact that they arrived over an hour late (and we were hungry!), what a blessing it was to invite the students from Hogar de Paz to ECA. My 3rd Graders enjoyed a nice lunch with their new friends - while I gently reminded my ECA kids to talk with their new friends and not just with each other (You can speak Spanish if you do!!) It was wonderful to see them come out of their comfort zone and make new friends. I led a worship station and taught the kids two worship songs so the kids from Hogar de Paz could practice English. The kids had fun teaching them our Integrity Theme Song - God Looks on the Heart!! We also taught them one of our favorite worship songs:
Cuan Grande es Dios by Chris Tomlin
El esplendor de un rey, vestido en majestad
la Tierra alegre esta, la tierra alegre esta!
Cubierto esta de luz, vencio la oscuridad
y tiembla a su voz, tiembla a su voz!
Cuan Grande es Dios!
Cantale, Cuan grande es Dios
y todos lo veran cuan grande es Dios!
Can you guess which song this is?? It's hard learning a new language!! This song is "How Great is Our God" and it was a blessing to see my kids singing and teaching their friends songs to worship Jesus. Please continue praying with us that the Hogar de Paz students will feel comfortable and welcomed by all of us at El Camino - some of them were really hard to get to know! We were able to collect a donation of books to give to our new friends - which was hard for some of my students to give up their own books, but they did!
Finding a church - I have been feeling like nomad, a Christian without a church community or home to be a part of (different church each week - invites from students to visit their churches) The Lord answered my prayers this past Sunday and gave me clear vision with where he wants me to be here in Colombia - God is SO good, right!! My desire is to immerse myself with the culture and get to know Colombians who are not apart of the ECA community.
I decided to try out a church I had tried my first Sunday here in Bogota and had wanted to go back to ever since called Centro de Desarollo Christiano. It is the Colombian church that Bob and Vicky McCollum attend - missionaries from the Orchard who are also here in Colombia. I didn't want to choose a church based on where part of my Orchard family was going. But, I wanted to give this church another look. They have a young Adult Sunday School with very warm and welcoming people, wonderful praise and worship, and a great sermon (that I could partly understand...more that I have since I have been down here!). The Lord showed me during the service how I could become involved and be a part of this church community. God has already blessed me with the start of friendships with two young women (Stephanie and Myra). Oh, did I mention that the power went out during the last praise song, and right before the sermon? This happened at my home church once, and I have been blessed both times to see two different church communities come together to allow the worship of our Lord Jesus to continue :-) I am so thankful that I finally have a place to worship with fellow believers here in Colombia!!!!!!!
Lead me to the cross/Guíame a la cruz
Lead me to the cross (Guiame a la cruz)
Where your love poured out (Lléname de Amor)
Bring me to my knees (Sobre mis rodillas)
Lord, I lay me down (Me postro a tus pies)
Rid me of myself (Líbrame de mi)
I belong to You (Pertenezco a Ti)
Lead me (Mi Cristo),
Lead me to the cross (Guíame a la cruz)
Prayers/Praises:Bring me to my knees (Sobre mis rodillas)
Lord, I lay me down (Me postro a tus pies)
Rid me of myself (Líbrame de mi)
I belong to You (Pertenezco a Ti)
Lead me (Mi Cristo),
Lead me to the cross (Guíame a la cruz)
Health and healing for some of my students. Some have been out for almost a whole week with sore throats and fevers!
That God would draw me close as I am starting to really miss home and all that I am missing out on in the lives of many people I love :-) Praise God, though, that I do get to talk with my family and that I even get to pray ocassionally with a precious friend from back home.
Please pray for the relationship between me and my classroom aide - that we would work together for the sake of the 3rd graders and that we would grow closer as a team :-)
Continued prayers for my Spanish abilities!! I'm slowly getting better...
Ministry is tiring work, so please pray Matthew 11:28-30 for all who are engaged in work for God's kingdom, especially for me as report cards are due and there is so much I still need to learn as a teacher!!
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