"Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields it's fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers." Psalm 1:1-3
Faculty Retreat - All ECA teachers and administrators took last weekend and went away to CAFAM resort in Melgar for a retreat. Our speaker was Ruth Cortez - who is the grandmother of 4 current ECA students. She spoke on the topic of Integrity. What a blessing this was to get to know more people at ECA in a deeper way and to be challenged by a women with such godly wisdom. We definitely got closer as a team (literally, when we had to all pile onto one bus and sit two or three to a seat plus luggage when our other bus broke down - welcome to Colombia!!!) What struck me the most about integrity is that when she defined it she included the source of where our integrity is to come from - an intimate relationship with Jesus! I always think about integrity as things that you "do" or actions that you either follow or don't follow. But, obedience should not come out of a sense of obligation, but out of a heart that is responsive to the Lord! Proverbs 4:23 - "Above all else, guard your heart, for from it flows the well-spring of life!" As we grow closer to the Lord, our love for Him and what he did for us on the cross will help us WANT to live lives of integrity. The times when we don't show integrity are times when we are not truly drawing close to Jesus. This was convicting to me and I pray that Lord will reveal and sanctify areas of my life where I need more integrity!
Visit from RCE President - Brett Howard
As a missionary with Resourcing Christian Education, I was truly blessed by a visit from Brett Howard this week. I had the opportunity to sit down and talk with him about life here in Colombia and what my needs are here at ECA. Since Brett has a few connections with my home church, the Orchard, it was fun to sit and talk with him and be encouraged by his heart for helping missionaries. We were all treated to a wonderful dinner out at the World Trade Center here in Bogota and felt very appreciated by our sending organization, RCE.
B R E T T ! !
Social Service with Hogar de Paz - We have our first social service event this coming week! The students of Hogar de Paz Foundation will be visiting the 3rd Graders at ECA on Wednesday, September 19th. Hogar de Paz Foundation works with students who are struggling and were identified as the most at risk kids who would not make it in life without someone stepping in to help them. The foundation takes in these children, provides them a more stable environment to learn and grow in, and shares with them the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Their school does not have a lot of resources available to them and the students do without basic needs such as classroom books. As a class, we have been praying for the Hogar de Paz foundation and are collecting books to donate to their school. On Wednesday, my 3rd Graders have the opportunity to share the gifts that God has given them with their less fortunate friends - computer lab, library, art, and worship in English! I am super excited to meet our friends on Wednesday and pray that we can show them the love of Christ.
Prayer requests/Praises:
- I was very humbled this week when I was invited to be the Missionary of the Year for the Awana (K-2nd) children's program at the Orchard - Barrington. I have taught these precious children and have been involved with this minsitry for the past 5 years. What a blessing for me to stay connected with them! "Youth On The March!!!!"
- For refreshment and rest after two really busy weeks!
- If it is God's will, for an older ECA student that I can possibly mentor - that God would be building relationships between me and any student that would lead to one-on-one discipling.
- Pray for our time with the students from Hogar de Paz this coming week - that we would be a blessing to these students as we seek to make friendships with them and show them the love of Christ. Pray that my 3rd Graders will show love, be welcoming, and be a blessing to these students from Hogar de Paz who need the light of Jesus.
- For me to depend on God as I seek to teach my 3rd Graders about Integrity - which is harder than I thought! This high calling can sometimes leave me discouraged - for increased faith that the Lord is working in each of their hearts (that is not dependent on my failures or successes)
Yay, Carrie. God is working. God must be doing a work all around about our actions coming from the Gospel. We're reading a book and doing a study called Because He Loves Me, by Elyce Fitzpatrick, and it is all about how the Gospel declarations direct and fulfill our Gospel obligations. It's so filling and releasing at the same time. This is exactly what Ruth Cortez was teaching. It's pretty humbling to see how much of our works do not come from the Gospel declarations we believe. But when they do....WOW! It's amazing.
ReplyDeleteI'm so proud of you, sweet sister, for your work in Colombia, and for making yourself so vulnerable to the Lord so He can work in you.
Talk to you tonight!!
Thanks, my sweet and precious friend!! Just think - since I am your spiritual daughter, these 22 precious children in Colombia are like your spiritual grandchildren :-) LOVE and HUGS!! Can't wait until I can give you a real one at Christmas. It was encouraging to talk with you - God has truly blessed me with your friendship!