Monday, November 17, 2014

Spiritual Fruit

Journal with Jesus
We are doing Journal w/ Jesus again this year: time where they can be with Jesus with their Bible, and a journal.  I love this reflection time and my desire is that they learn to sit and BE with their Savior.  Reading over some of their journals, I am filled with compassion and empathy for precious concerns that are on my students' hearts.  I am grateful that they trust me and how open they are to telling God what is on their heart.  Many speak of family situations or hard times that they have had to really trust in God for.  Some have expressed doubts and questions that they have regarding Jesus and their faith.  This definitely helps me guide them as they start making their faith their own.  It's very easy for a kiddo that has been raised in a Christian home or has gone to El Camino Academy to automatically give the "correct" answer.  They know the answer they are expected to give, whether or not they actually believe it themselves.  Praising God for the opportunity I have to help them discover what they REALLY believe.

Chapel Responses and Application:
In Elementary Chapel, we have been talking about responsibility.  One major area of discussion has been when we play the Blame Game.  Students have been taking this to heart and trying to apply certain strategies in their own lives.  Strategies like:

Is this little problem or a big problem?
Am I part of the problem?
Is it the truth or a lie?
Is anyone hurt?

Here are some pictures of situations where my students have used these strategies in school and with their friends.  Enjoy learning from ECA's 3rd Grade about taking responsibility for our actions.  We are choosing NOT to play the Blame Game!  Will you join us?

Knowing their Hearts
Time with students outside of school has always been my favorite part of ministry here at El Camino.  Recently, I have had the opportunity to watch one of my students perform her ballet recital to the Nutcracker.  Spending the afternoon with her family watching her perform as a sugarplum fairy and then celebrating her dancing with having pizza back at her house was just a perfect way to bond with her.  We played Twister and a new twist/version of Rock, Paper, Scissors. You stand on a line and the looser keeps having to move their feet until they are doing the splits.  Lets just say - she won!

Celebrating my students birthdays is also a highlight.  I was blessed to attend a birthday party for a student and his brother (who is my ex-alumni - werid!!!)  What a cultural experience it was.  There were many friends and family there to celebrate with them.  They even had a pinata for the adults!!  One man laid on top of all of the candy when it broke.  The other adults decided to pull him out of the pile.  Then, using his belt loops, they lifted his stomach up off the floor and swept ALL of the candy out from underneath him.  The poor guy was left with nothing :-)  When my student noticed that my bag was empty since I was just a bystander of all of this craziness, he gave me a sad look and took 3 pieces of his own candy to give to me!!  Super sweet :-)  Loved celebrating with these adorable boys!

Thank you to all who attended my Cute Gran's funeral this past Saturday!  It was a wonderful celebration of her life.  Pray for my family during this time - that they would be open to any questions they have concerning faith :-)

Pray that my mind would relax and that I would allow God's peace to fill me.  There has been extra stress on my mind lately.


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