Growth/Fruit - A parent was telling me how her daughter has been feeling in class. God is so good to give me a glimpse into one my student's hearts in this way. My student responded with saying:
"Mommy - before, at my old school, I was so full of sin. Now, I have Jesus more in my heart and He helps me do nice things. I know that he loves me so much"
This made me cry, feel very humbled, and also want to jump for joy at seeing how the Lord is working at El Camino Academy.
Integrity in Commitments
Our theme in chapel has been Integrity. This past month, we have been focusing on having integrity in our commitments. This includes home, school and relationships with friends and family. As an elementary team, we decided to put up posters that show our integrity in commitments. Our saying is:
"Say what you mean. Mean what you say. Do what you say you will do."
Each 3rd Grader wrote out their individual commitment that they want to keep. Some of them included being more obedient to their parents or to their teacher. Others chose to commit to doing their homework on time or to being a better friend. We signed our names and let the whole school know what we were committing to by posting them in the hallway.
Please pray for our 3rd Grade Class. We will be teaching a lesson on having Integrity in God Given Talents at Chapel on April 6th. So, we will begin talking about and studying what God given talents are and how God wants us to use them. Pray for our preparations and that God would teach each and every 3rd Grader about their own God given talents!
"Each one should use WHATEVER GIFT he has received to SERVE others, FAITHFULLY administering GOD"S GRACE in it's various forms." 1 Peter 4:8
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