In Elementary Chapel this week, we focused on Easter and what it really means for Jesus to die on the cross for us. During worship, I wanted the kids to sing, "Mighty To Save" as we head into Easter Week. The songs main focus is that Jesus can move mountains for us, and he was so mighty that He conquered death by rising from the grave for our sins. I began to as myself: What is Jesus mighty to save ME from??
As I have walked my young Christian life, I am so grateful to look back and realize how different my life would be without Jesus. He has saved me from selfishness, impatiences, pride, jealousy, fears about my life and future...the list goes on! Sometimes I don't even realize the things He is still protecting and saving me from. Jesus saved me from a life without meaning or purpose. Jesus saved me from a life of not knowing what real love is. He saved me from an eternal life of separation from my Heavenly Father who created me.
As we sang the song, the kids went to 4 different papers around the room and wrote one sin that they struggle with. We talked about examples of things that are very common struggles for them: lying, cheating, being mean to a friend, disobeying...
As the song ended and their voices began to sing louder with me, we brought their papers to the front and taped them on a wooden cross. I reminded them that because of the cross, we are forgiven from all of these things that we just wrote down. Jesus was and is still mighty to save us from all of these sins! This message just continues to give me so much hope, We praised Jesus and thanked him for being our Savior and for being MIGHTY TO SAVE all of his precious children.
Mighty to Save:
Everyone needs compassion
A love that's never failing
Let mercy fall on me
Everyone needs forgiveness
The kindness of a Savior
The hope of nations!
Savior, He can move a mountain
My God is mighty to save
He is mighty to save!
Forever, Author of Salvation
He rose and conquered the grave
Jesus conquered the grave!
So, take me as you find me
All my fears and failures
Fill my life again
I give my life to follow
Everything I believe in
Now I surrender
Savior, He can move a mountain
My God is mighty to save
He is mighty to save!
Forever, Author of Salvation
He rose and conquered the grave
Jesus conquered the grave!
Prayers and Praises:
Pray that my students (and everyone reading this!) do know the message of salvation from Jesus and that they have willingly and openly accepted his gift that he offers on the cross. Easter is such a great time to reflect on our eternal salvation.
Pray for a team from ECA who just left for the Amazon! They will be serving as medical missionaries to the Ticuna tribe who lives in the southern Amazon region of Colombia. Please pray for strength and boldness as they share the word of God while translating between 4 different languages (English, Spanish, Ticuna, and Portuguese).
Pray for a safe trip home this coming week to see my new nephew!
Continued guidance as I am in the final steps of seeking God and making a decision for next year at ECA.