The Gospel Coalition - The Gospel In Colombia - Here is a great article about how the gospel is spreading in Colombia. Clink on the link above (The Gospel Coalition - The Gospel in Colombia) to hear about how Colombian churches are reviving a true evangelical Christian walk in the hearts of their congregations. This is very true of my church here. I have met many people here who claim to be Christian, but having lives truly changed by the gospel is still in progress. This helps to know how to pray for the hearts of the people in this country.
Body of Christ here in Colombia
1. My teacher aide, Erica, was such a blessing from God these past few weeks. Teaching without a voice is REALLY complicated and stretched my teaching ability and methods. Learning to communicate without my voice included having the students help say things out loud for me or writing on a mini-white board to explain directions. This was quite comical to me and my students, to say the least. What really helped save my voice was a version of co-teaching with my aide, Erica. I re-designed lessons where they were so structured into a powerpoint that I had to point and have her read what was on the board. We worked really well together and this method helped get us through the day.
Erica also was such a blessing with keeping my classroom running because she has been with me for the past 3 years. All of the routines and details that no one else would know (or it would take forever to explain to someone else) were kept in place which made the students feel secure coming back into their classroom from Christmas Break. Having her help made it feel as normal as possible for the kids. One of the many blessings of the body of Christ here at El Camino!!!
2. Our literacy coach in elementary, Glenda, ended up subbing for me many times these past few weeks. Her servant heart was a blessing for me who has trouble asking for help at times when I really need it. She offered to teach lessons for me before I even reached out and asked because she saw that there was need. My first day back after a few sick days, I still had very little voice. By the end of the day, I had none. Feeling overwhelmed at what to do, Glenda came in at that exact time and offered to teach my social studies lesson (which has a LOT of talking and story-telling.) After teaching for a few days, the school nurse made an appointment for me to go see a doctor. By the time I got back to my room to start getting sub plans ready, Glenda was already looking at my science and writing lesson so that she could teach for me. Another blessing from the body of Christ!!!
3. Rosa is our community care person at El Camino. Her job is to make sure the missionary teachers are comfortable, help them with apartment repairs and other situations, paying bills, and taking us to medical appointments to help us translate and navigate the world of Colombian health care. What a blessing that she went with me this past Thursday morning to my appointment! The whole healthcare system is different here and I would have been lost without a guide to help me. She also helped get me the right medicine so that I can start to feel better. The doctor diagnosed a sinus infection and laryngitis caused by reflux. The medicine for the sinus infection is very expensive, but the doctor was able to get some from the lab (probably free samples that drug suppliers give to hospitals) at no cost to me. What a provision from the LORD that I have the medicine that I need at very little cost. Another blessing from the body of Christ!!
4. My roommates, Becky and Annie, have been really sweet and offered to cook dinner without requiring me to help at all. Maybe it was because they didn't want to get sick, but it was really sweet of them to allow me to join them without anything expected back in return. :-0
5. My students have been super sweet, quiet and obedient knowing that I didn't have a voice. They were incredibly flexible with many changes as we started back at school. After having been gone for 3 weeks for Christmas Break, their normal teacher and normal routines were not there. Having me gone for 2 days, then back at school but not being able to teach, many different subs, then me gone for 2 more days was a crazy start. Erica told me that they really miss their teacher and I can't wait to finally be back with them (100% ready). I am so proud of how they handled these crazy days and am so blessed by all of my compassionate students.
They sent me this picture while I was sick one day, just to say hello :-) |
Learning to discern how to keep serving when I felt this way was a challenge. Knowing that there are not many substitutes available, I felt like I would be letting the ministry team down if I didn't keep going and come in and work. God is really teaching me about LETTING THE BODY OF CHRIST HELP YOU and not feeling guilty that you need that help. There were other teachers also getting sick, and I thought that because I only lost my voice and didn't feel sick being at school that I should just deal with it and try to teach without it. However, everyday that I continued to go to school was a day that I was not resting my voice.
Psalm 34 -
Taste and See That the Lord is Good
his praise shall continually be in my mouth.
My soul makes its boast in the LORD;
let the humble hear and be glad.
Oh, magnify the LORD with me,
and let us exalt his name together!
I sought the LORD, and he answered me
and delivered me from all my fears.
Those who look to him are radiant,
and their faces shall never be ashamed.
This poor man cried, and the LORD heard him
and saved him out of all his troubles.
The angel of the LORD encamps
around those who fear him, and delivers them."
As I have been recovering at home, I had had more time to spend reading God's Word. This morning, I came across Psalm 34. As I came to verse 7, I realized that a friend had sent me this verse earlier this week in an e-mail when I told her I was sick. God willing, he brought this verse to mind again this morning. As I read through the whole psalm, it brought great encouragement to me. There is nothing truer this week to me. I have felt the LORD encamping around me (whether through the body of Christ or time to relax and just get rest), I am so grateful that the LORD hears and cares about each of his beloved children. :-)
Please pray that I would be fully recovered by this Monday!
Please pray for the marriages of the El Camino families to be lifted up to Jesus, centered on Him, and strengthened by His love. I often hear of parents fighting or separating, which breaks my heart. Pray for their children, who endure hearing their parents fight and the emotions that come with them divorcing and separating.