I had the privilege of celebrating Easter at the English speaking church called the United Church of Bogota. What a wonderful encouragement for my soul to worship in my native language! Seeing little kids in Easter dresses and suits, singing "Crown Him w/ Many Crowns" and proclaiming...
He is Risen!! He is Risen Indeed!!
was amazing. I had a wonderful breakfast w/ other teachers while listening to praise music and remembering the sacrifice and conquering of death that our blessed Savior, Jesus, accomplished on our behalf. He is worthy of all the praise!!
So thankful that WE have a SAVIOR who has Risen and death has lost it's sting. So thankful that WE have a SAVIOR who lived the perfect live that we were called to live and then offered his sinless life up as an offering to God so that we might be called holy, righteous, and good. Oh, what a wonderful SAVIOR that we have in Jesus Christ!! So thankful WE have a SAVIOR who loved us in this way while we were still sinners, still rebellious against him, and desired nothing about him. THANK YOU Jesus, for turning my heart to you and giving abundant grace for your children when our feeble attempts to love you back fall so short of your amazing glory.
Letter from a Parent:
I received a letter from a parent which was really humbling. A little glimpse into the work God is doing in the life of one of my students :-)
Dear Miss Bergmann (and other teachers)
We just could not let this go by ... We are celebrating and giving God all the Glory!
You know how much we have been helping our son to understand self control.
It is such a victory to see his report card and find a big G in conduct ...
Thanks to God and to all of you that believed that He was able to do better and grow and be what God wants him to be.
Thank you so much!!
(ECA parent)
Thank you for praying with me for this student. God is so good to work in our hearts and to mold us into the people he wants us to be. Sometimes, it can seem like no fruit is ever going to be seen and that we will continue to struggle with the same sin over and over again. Praise to God that in Christ we do have the victory! And, Praise God that he allows glimpses of that victory to encourage us in our walk with him.
Poetry Celebration:
April was Poetry month here at ECA. Each elementary class memorized two poems as part of a Poetry Celebration! I was amazed at my students who had to tackle many hard English expressions (like saying "ne'er" for never) and did such a good job with their English pronunciation. Here is one of our poems the 3rd Graders read, along with a video. Enjoy the Duel between the dog and cat :-)
The Duel
by Eugene Field
The Gingham dog and the calico cat
Side by side on the table sat;
'T was half-past twelve, and (what do you think!)
Nor one nor t' other could sleep a wink!
The old Dutch clock and the Chinese plate
Appeared to know as sure as fate
There was going to be a terrible spat.
(I wasn't there; I simply state
What was told to me by the Chinese plate!)
The gingham dog went "bow-wow-wow!"
And the calico cat replied "mee-ow!"
The air was littered, an hour or so,
With bits of gingham and calico,
While the old Dutch clock in the chimney-place
Up with its hands before its face,
For it always dreaded a family row!
(Never mind: I'm only telling you
What the old Dutch clock declares is true!)
The Chinese plate looked very blue,
And wailed, "Oh, dear! What shall we do!"
But the gingham dog and the calico cat
wallowed this way and tumbled that,
Employing every tooth and claw
In the awfullest way you ever saw -
And, oh! How the gingham and calico flew!
(Don't fancy I exaggerate -
I got my news from the Chinese plate!)
Next morning where the two had sat
They found no trace of dog or cat;
And some folks think unto this day
That burglars stole the pair away!
But the truth about the cat an pup
Is this: they ate each other up!
Now what do you really think of that!
(The old Dutch clock it told me so,
And that is how I came to know.)
La Mazorca - I have been dreaming about Arepas (a Colombian food - kind of like a greasy dough with cheese) from this one restaurant since I visited last school year. My friend, Katie, and I finally ventured out and made our way back there. Just a little fun in amongst the work of a missionary teacher :-)
For joy and contentment to be found in the Lord and Him alone :-) That my quiet time would de fruitful and a time where I desire and delight to spend time w/ my Jesus.
Open positions that we have currently for next year:
Middle School
Because they haven't heard,