Congratulations Class of 2013!
And you, who were once alienated and hostile in mind, doing evil deeds, he has now reconciled in his body of flesh by his death, in order to present you holy and blameless and above reproach before him, if indeed you continue in the faith, stable, and steadfast, not shifting from the hope of the gospel." Col 1:21-23
Watching the class of 2013 graduate a few weeks ago, I was overwhelmed by God's goodness to El Camino. I have gotten to know a few seniors this year. The few that I have met are wonderful godly men and women. What they have learned here at El Camino will stay with them long after graduation. If we have done our mission well, they are ready, prepared and have been TRAINED FOR LIFE. (ECA's motto). There were 7 national anthems played at graduation, each representing a different nationality of one of our seniors. That is amazing! As they were up there with their caps and gowns on, ready to go out into the world, I kept thinking about my 3rd Graders. Where would they be in 20 years? What would their faith be like when they graduate? Would they be following Jesus? What things would they remember from their time in my classroom?
Since my 3rd graders are so young, it's hard to see the fruit sometimes of the faith that is growing in their hearts. Occasionally, I would doubt how important or fruitful my time with them would really be. The discipleship, mentoring, and service that is done in high school is amazing and there is more fruit to be seen since they are older. However, God opened my eyes to really see the bigger picture of El Camino during graduation. The speakers talked about the teachers that had impacted them and how God had worked in their lives since they were young. How humbling to see the spiritual depth when one senior talked about possible jobs or areas of interests for her classmates and related them all back to the gospel of Jesus Christ.
It was neat to see the seeds that were planted when they were young were grown, pruned, and harvested as they graduated. My 3rd Graders will be up there one day (Class of 2022!!) and I would love to be there to watch them graduate and take on the world as Servant Leaders with a passion for Jesus.
"I planted, Apollos watered, but God caused it to grow. So, neither the one who plants counts for anything, nor the one who waters, but God who causes the growth." 1 Corinthians 3:6-7
These verses really spoke to me about the missionary team at ECA. They key word is team. From the day the enter the school in Pre-K until they graduate - we all have the same goal and we all have different roles in accomplishing this goal. Some planted seeds (elementary) and some watered seeds (middle school and high school). Most importantly, the seeds that we plant should be constantly watered in prayer. Like the verse from 1 Corinthians reminds me, I can trust God with the seeds that are planted because he is the one who causes them to grow. How wonderfully they do grow when we entrust them to him :-)
Graduate, Julianna, with Allie and I |
Our awards ceremony for 3rd Grade was on June 1st. I handed out Christian Character Trait awards to recognize the work that God is doing in each of my students lives. At the end of the year, my students reflected on their favorite memories or what God had taught them this year. Here is a youtube link to see this video that I created. 3rd Grade Memories VIDEO
What a wonderful look back to all Jesus has done in 3rd Grade at El Camino Academy!
Please pray for our still vacant positions - Director of Academics, High School Principal, High School math, science, computers, and english, Middle School computers and math, and a special education teacher for Elementary
VISAS - please pray for all teachers who are applying for or renewing their VISA's. My appointment is on July 8th and your prayers would be appreciated that the process would go smoothly and the Lord would provide what we need to return to serve at ECA in the Fall.
Support for year 2 - Please pray that the financial and prayer support will come in for a second year in Bogota. Trusting that the Lord will once again provide!! Thank you if you financially or prayerfully supported me during my first year. You were a blessing and answer to a lot of prayer! I am excited to see who God brings to support me during my second!
That the seeds that were planted will be watered and grow in the hearts of my students.
My next year's class - that God would put them on my heart and would be preparing me to be their teacher. They are wonderful class, but with any class comes many challenges - that I am trusting the Lord is preparing me for :-0
Travel back to Bogota on July 26th!
Because they haven't heard,