"Each one should use whatever gifts he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in it's various forms." 1 Peter 4:8
Well, the Lord had been convicting me lately about truly serving people with practical helps such as food or help in everyday chores in the midst of extra stress. Graciously, the Lord reminded me of this and I invited the family over for dinner so that they could have a home cooked meal. I decided to have pasta, but decided to tweak my dinner plan to be chicken alfredo because the mom mentioned that she only liked chicken and turkey, not other meats. When they arrived, we had a great time talking as I cooked the chicken and the pasta. As I announced that dinner was ready, my student asked what we were having. I watched as his face just dropped with shock - and he told me that his favorite meal was chicken alfredo!!! What a surprise this was to me. His mom told me that she couldn't believe it when I had switched to making chicken alfredo in my e-mail - and that she had waited to tell her son. What a blessing and how wonderful for the Lord to provide for this family not only a home-cooked meal, but a meal that made them feel like home.
"But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin." 1 John 1:7
For the past three weeks, 3rd Graders have been learning about God Given Talents. We read the story of the Parable of the Talents in Matthew. My students made a list of what possible talents we all had. Then we also discussed how we should be using our God Given Talents. Praying that God would teach us and the Pre-K - 4th graders that we would be teaching, I watched as God brought together a wonderful lesson for my students to lead.
My parents were here when we presented our class chapel to all of elementary. Here is a video of the worship time before my 3rd Graders taught. The worship team sang Big House (a favorite song of mine from when I was little) and God Looks on the Heart (our theme song this school year.
Here is a video of our teaching: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tVPuGmw7qmE&feature=youtu.be
Teaching Needs for 2013-2014 - Here are the needs of El Camino for next year: www.eca.edu.co. Please pray that the Lord would continue to bring together His team for next school year.
Middle School - Math and Science teachers
High School - Math, Science, and English
Administrators: Director of Academics, HS Principal, Director of Development, Community Care DirectorTeachers: Special Education
Other: Librarian, yearbook advisor
- That the Lord would continue to plant and water the seeds in my students' hearts to follow Christ - that what they learned about God-Given Talents would take root and that the Lord would continue to show each of them what they are gifted in :-)
- For the teaching needs we need for the 2013-2014 school year!
- Pray especially for a special needs teacher - the Lord has led me to choose teaching 3rd Grade and I am really excited about this decision. However, this leaves a big hole in special education. Trusting that the Lord will provide someone for this position!